Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 Ways to Stay in Touch With Your Old Boss

5 Ways to Stay in Touch With Your Old Boss5 Ways to Stay in Touch With Your Old BossYour former colleagues and supervisors are a certifiable networking goldmine They know your background, they work in your sector, and they have their own set of professional contacts. They can put a good word in for you at a new job, write you a letter of recommendation for grad school, and introduce you to new contacts and opportunities. And at the very least, they can confirm to a potential employer that you performed tasks X, Y, and Z at Corporation ABC.So why are we so bad at staying in touch? Well, because it takes time, and because it can be awkward- if you dont have a particular reason for reaching out, it can be hard to know when and how to do so. But periodically touching base, even when youre not job-searching, means that when you do need to ask for a letter of reference or contacts in a new state, it wont seem self-serving and out of the blue.To help you out, weve come up with five easy way s to stay in touch with those old co-workers. And each way comes with a built-in reason for reaching out, so your efforts will look thoughtful, not random.1. Holiday CardsYou can say Best Wishes for the New Year to anyone. Its collegial, its professional, and its on your holiday to-do list anyway.Added bonus Think about how you feel when you receive a holiday card- like someone really cares about staying in touch with you (at least once a year).The most professional choice is a non-denominational card(unless youre certain about what tradition he or she personally observes) that steers clear of humor, which can be seen as offensive.2. Major (Personal) Life EventsAre you moving and mailing change of address cards? Are your name and email changing post-marriage? Send a heres my new contact info note to your old colleagues and bosses as you would to your friends and family. When you share that youre getting married, going to grad school, or pursuing your life-long dream of traveling abr oad and writing that novel, it not only shows that youre interested in staying in touch, it fosters the personal aspect of your professional connection.3. Major (Professional) Life EventsDid you just change jobs or get a promotion? Let your old bosses know, and thank them for the experiences theyve given you that helped you get to this point. You can do this for non-job-change accomplishments, too. For example, if youve been chosen to throw a major event, send a note to the effect of Im running a 500-person event, and it reminded me when you gave me a shot at throwing my first gala. If youre in the same city, even better if the note is enclosed with an invite.This can work both ways, too- if you hear that a former colleague has changed jobs or won an award, send her a Congrats card or email.4. Articles of InterestWhen you come across articles about industry trends or an issue a former colleague worked on, shoot over an email with a quick note saying thought this may be of interest. (Note this is not the time to send cat photo tumblrs or the article about Carrie Underwoods ah-mazing legs.) Think something to the effect of Just saw you updated the companys Facebook page to the Timeline, and thought of you when I read this Mashable article. Remember to balance the relevance and usefulness of the article with your desire to stay in touch.Timing-wise, aim to send something quarterly- shooting over articles weekly may come off as a nuisance, whereas sending them once a year may seem like an afterthought. Though, keep in mind it may be difficult to follow an exact timeline. Two excellent articles may come out in April, and you might not see anything worth sending in June, July, or August.5. Social MediaLinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are obvious ways to stay in touch, but which are appropriate for former bosses and colleagues? Heres a good rule of thumb If you had relocated but were in town for a few days on business, would you meet the person for a professionally-dr essed coffee to talk shop, or at a bar to gab over a few margaritas?If its the former, connect over LinkedIn (and Twitter, if you keep your account professional). If its the latter, and you see this person equally as a friend and colleague, you can add them on all three. Just remember- only do so if youd actually want to see photos of their wedding or kids birthday parties or hear their political views in real life.A final note You definitely dont have to use all unterstellung tricks for all of your contacts. Think about your desired relationship with each person (Friend? Mentee? Recommendable former employee?) and your goal (Simply staying in touch? Broadening your base of professional contacts? Hanging out when you visit?) and decide on your approach from there.And if its been five years since youve talked to these people? Thats okay. Start with a Hey, heres what Ive been up to note or a holiday card this December.Photo courtesy of Stefan Magdalinski.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Must-See TV for Job Seekers

Must-See TV for Job SeekersMust-See TV for Job Seekers3Fall is zu siche and that means one thing Season premieres on network TV are aboutto debut. A number of new shows will launch soon, and below we look at some of these new network shows and how they relate to issues facing todays workplace, job seekers, millennials, working families, college students, and more. Its must-see TV for job seekers.There is something for everyone- you just watchTake a look at this must-see TV for job seekers TV for Job Seekers on CBSThe Great IndoorsThis sitcom stars Joel McHale, who plays Jack Gordon, a veteran adventure reporter who suddenly finds himself working in an office. Gordon playsthe boss of a talented group of tech-savvy millennials who are transitioning a struggling print magazine into an online publication. McHale is a 40-something struggling to fit in with his much-younger coworkers. Gordon is talented, but knows nothing about the online world or how to work with a kollektiv in an office setting. His direct reports are as equally perplexed by their new boss. Christine Ko plays Emma, who in the opening episode says this to other members of the digital media team about their new boss He has no Twitter, no Facebook its like he doesnt exist.Truer words were never spoken in thissocial media-crazed world, and this sitcom is about a common theme in todays workforce A blending of generations, and the technological- and generational- gap between employees. In a series preview Ko said The Great Indoors is really relatable to todays workplace and about how everybody has to figure out how to work together with new technology and ideas.Kevin Can WaitKing of Queens alum Kevin James plays Kevin Gable, a recently retired police officer adjusting to life off the job, and the joys- and many challenges- of spending more quality time with his family. In the series premiere Gable learns his daughter is engaged and wants to drop out of college to support her shy, but tech-savvy boyfriend Chale, who has a computer science degree and is working on a new app that is on the verge of making it big. In fact, when meeting his future father-in-law, Chale tells Gable, You may be coming to my retirement festivitt next year. While James (Gable) is the star, this show shows what families and college-age kids go through while trying to find their path in life. And with Gable retired, he shows a glimpse of what we all look forward to someday Enjoying retired life (or at least trying). That may be motivation enough to check it out. Pure GeniusThis is the story of James Bell (played by August Prew), a tech billionaire who developed Bunkerhill, the most revolutionary medical center on earth, which is located in Silicon Valley. This new drama shows what happens when the most brilliant minds in medicine and technology combine to form a startup company that hopes to change the future of medicine to benefit patients and society. The show takes real-life medical scenarios and shows what technological advances can do for medicine- and for patients and families suffering from serious medical conditions. In the season premiere Bell suddenly learns about his own surprising medical diagnosis, and how it will affect him, the future of his company, and the future of medicine. Like tech, medicine, and startups, combined with real-life drama? Then this is for you. Man with a PlanFormer Friends friend Matt LeBlanc plays Adam, a married contractor with three kids who suddenly finds himself with more responsibilities when his wife goes back to work after 13 years of being a stay-at-home mom. Together the family manages the highs and lows of life with two working parents and school-age children. This is something many families across America can relate to.MacGyverHes backwell, sort of without Dean Anderson playing the lead role.Lucas Till plays Angus MacGyver in this new version of the action-adventure series that was highly popular from 1985to1992. MacGyver is known as the Am erican James Bond. He doesnt use brawn. Instead, he uses his intelligence and unconventional dicke bretter bohren mssen-solving skills to help save the world. Ideal for the job seeker who relies on critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills to get the job done. TV for Job Seekers on ABCSpeechlessSpeechless is about a family with a special-needs child, whichIMDB describes as good at dealing with the challenges it faces and excellent at creating new ones. Micah Fowler plays J.J. DiMeo, a teenage boy with cerebral palsy. A Variety review described Speechlessnot as a comedy about disability, but as a solid sitcom in which a complex human being with a disability resides at the center of the story. Anytime a show can bring awareness and understanding related to those with disabilities, it can be a benefit, even if its done in a light-hearted way. For job seekers and professionals, Speechless can be a reminder that workers of all backgrounds face certain challenges, and desp ite these challenges, ultimately they just want to fit in and contribute. NotoriousAccording to ABC, Notorious is inspired by the true-life stories of famed criminal defense attorney Mark Geragos and cable news producer Wendy Walker, who serve as executive producers. The series is a provocative look at the unique, sexy, and dangerous interplay of criminal law and the media.Law students, media junkies, and political enthusiasts mightall be interested in this show. Dealing with workplace conflict or challenges? This series will cover it and more. After watching this, maybe your workplace isnt so toxic or volatile? Or is it? TV for Job Seekers on FOXPitchThis series focuses on an African-American female pitcher who becomes the first woman to play Major League Baseball when she pitches for the San Diego Padres. This show is the first scripted television program of its kind to be officially associated with Major League Baseball. More so, its about a young woman overcoming odds to achieve great things. This show can be inspirationalfor students, professionals, and job seekers who are chasing their dreams. Dont stop.TV for Job Seekers on NBCGreat NewsAccording to A mother interns at her daughters workplace, a cable news network, in this comedy that explores mother-daughter relationships. Tina Fey is an executive producer. Mother and daughter working together with the mom as the intern? This is definitely must-see TV for all professionalsReaders, what must-see TV for job seekers are you watching? Tell us about your TV picks for job seekers in the comments below

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Survey This is the best city for buying your first house in 2018

Survey This is the best city for buying your first house in 2018Survey This is the best city for buying your first house in 2018Buying a first home can be an exciting milestone in ones life. It can also be very stressful and scary.WalletHubanalyzed 300 American cities in terms of real-estate market, affordability and quality of life and then broke down those factors further in terms of 27 other metrics and used data from the U.S. Census Bureau, before eventually giving each city a total score of 100.And the winner is Broken Arrow, Okla. cameout on top as the best city topurchaseyour first home in 2018.Here are the 10 best cities to buy your first houseHeres the breakdown1) Broken Arrow, OK (total score 67.09)2) Tampa, FL (total score 65.79)3) Centennial, CO (total score 64.74)4) Boise, ID (total score 64.69)5) Grand Rapids, MI (total score 64.65)6) Thornton, CO (total score 64.49)7) Frisco, TX (total score 64.26)8) McKinney, TX (total score 64. 26)9) Cary, NC (total score 64.03)10) G ilbert, AZ (total score 63.98)The city of Berkeley, CA (300) rounded out the bottom of the total list with a total score of 35.96.The research also ranked each city in terms of size - large, midsize and smallTampa, FL was the 1 large city (65.79), Boise, ID was the 1 midsize (64.69) and Broken Arrow, OK was the 1 small city (67.09).How the cities compare to each otherYoull notice that all of the least affordable housing options on the list are located in California.When buying your first home, look for an area with these featuresSriram Villupuram, an associate professor of finance and real estate at the University of Texas at Arlington, told the site about what people purchasing their first homes should seek in a location.Liquidity. First-time home buyers tend to be young and are eventually going to upgrade to a larger home. Therefore they should be able to sell their home with ease in the near or distant future. Neighborhoods with a well-rated school district would be a good place to start, he told WalletHub.Whatever you do, choose your first home wisely.

Friday, December 13, 2019

3 hacks to make your profile POP for recruiters

3 hacks to make your profile POP for recruiters3 hacks to make your profile POP for recruitersDo you ever wonder why you arent getting contacted more often by recruiters? As the worlds largest professional network, LinkedIn connects employers with a huge amount of potential applicants. This doesnt happen, however, if your profile doesnt populate when recruiters conduct searches.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreRecruiters begin their searches for qualified candidates with 3 categories job title, location and skills. They refine their searches with additional criteria, such as education, but all searches begin with these three categories. If you dont populate in this initial search, you may miss out on an incredible opportunity.Here are 3 Hacks that will ensure your profile populates in a recruiter search(I learned this by taking the Certified LinkedIn Recruiter Training at https// TitleRecruiters conduct key-word searches for specific job titles to narrow down the field of potential candidates.If your profile doesnt have the job title listed, it wont populate in their search.HACKYour LinkedIn headline(what shows up under your name on your profile) doesnt have to be about your current job, how artistic you are, or that you are looking for work. It needs to clearly state the positions for which you are looking and are qualified. Since you have up to 120 characters, it could have a couple job titles separated by a comma or like tactics, weapon handling, Afghanistan, and command. Take the time to review your desired fields and add the skills that are aligned with your desired career choice. It may hurt to remove the 99+ endorsements you have for command, but I can assure you that not many recruiters are conducting searches where command is a required qualification.Michael Quinn is a former Case Officer that decided to give up a m ovie-worthy career in order to become a leader and INSPIRE others to do more. His previous articles includeWhat in the World is a Sergeant Major,Veterans How To Find A Job When You Transition, How This One Question Helps Build a Team, 3 Ways Executive Leaders Build a Team, Hunt the Good Stuff to Reduce Stress,andWhy Motivation vs Inspiration Arguments are Just Plain WrongThis article first appeared on Linkedin.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About First Time Job Resume

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About First Time Job Resume Details of First Time Job Resume Your value statement might be as easy as saying that youre searching for a position that needs a maximum of 25 hours weekly (or no matter your maximum hours are), for reasons of work-life balance. You are going to need a stellar sales record, a flexible schedule, and a killer resume. You can place a tremendous quantity of power and punch into your resume by including a menschenwrdig voice. If for no other reason, obtaining the resume will make it possible for you to easily finish all the on-line profiles teams require prospects to finish. The Bizarre Secret of First Time Job Resume Finding a new job every year appears bad on a resume and will hurt your odds of being hired later on. Feel chargeless to modify your abilities for anniversary job which you administer to. Of course you are able to but this isnt the best way to achieve your hiring manager. If a hiring manager is just likel y to skim your resume for a couple of seconds, you will need to be certain each and every word conveys valuable details. Employers know youre searching for work, and therefore you dont need to waste valuable space on your resume stating the obvious. Be certain the skills are related to the job which you desire. Although you could be a very good doctor, consultant or nurse, your odds of employment are based on what your Medical CV says about you. For an objective statement, concentrate on the particular job you need or an overall job type and highlight your qualifications. Hence, as soon as you opt to look for an alternate position, I indicate that its possible to line up your references before you get started writing your Medical CV and begin applying for jobs. Since the very first cut of any pile of job applicants is dependent on a 30 second scanning of a 1 page document, it is critical that it comprises no mistakes that could result in an instantaneous rejection. High schoo l students may require a resume to submit an application for work or as an element of a university application. Instead ask thoughtful questions regarding the company itself or the specific job youll be doing. Even when you previously emailed a resume to the company, it is better to be ready to submit it again. Just be certain you go straight to describing the way the organization will benefit from hiring you. Also, you wish to research the business so that youre informed. You need to promote yourself to the hiring manager so he or she is able to easily see all the means by which youd support clients and donate to the businesss mission. According to the majority of human resources personnel offices, there are lots of mistakes that happen on resume that cause them to wind up in the waste basket. Now platzset the intention that youre likely to discover important information regarding the job and company which will help you to make a stellar presentation. So if youre really int erested in finding job, then you ought to use the assistance of such on-line firms. What Everybody Dislikes About First Time Job Resume and Why Resume creators enable jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes directly from the web to begin applying straight away. Frequently a work description will list the abilities and other qualifications which are necessary. The absolute most prosperous resumes concentrate on specific position-related abilities, relevant regions of expertise, quantifiable accomplishments, and professional certifications. The remainder of your resume ought to depend on your objective, so you will know which skills and qualifications you have that you should highlight. You can also check at any of the samples of various sorts of resumes for various kinds of careers. Instead, show ways to help. Youre probably creative. You dont wish to either. With just a little creativity and some thought about your top abilities, it is possible to find a g ood position and commence your work history. Its helpful to have a look at student and part-time resume examples to find some ideas about what a fantastic one contains. A scarcity of job experience doesnt signify too little work experience. You must find out strategies to adjust your experience to the demands of the new job and place it in such a manner your strengths are displayed on top. Your profile is the sole thing they must go by in evaluating your worth. If your field is actually uncommon or youve got an extremely high-profile resume then youve got to hunt for a resume writing service that has people experience in composing with such selection of resumes. Its possible to receive a very good idea of keywords from the work description. Though you might bedrngnis have a work history or lengthy collection of impressive degrees, you can surely find something to include. You might even have a hobby for example, writing a blog thats a review of every book you read or posting beautiful photographs on the internet that could be related to your job application. It ought to be simple to read and look like an expert document. Becoming unprepared When you select an interview its important that you bring a current copy of your resume with you, and a minimum of three references. Resume examples and templates are really helpful, especially when youre writing one of your initial resumes.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Writing a Resume for a Banking Job

The Dos and Donts of Writing a Resume for a Banking Job What You Must Know About Writing a Resume for a Banking Job When an employer is searching for someone with five decades of experience, be certain to mention you have five or more decades of experience. If you dont possess the skills necessary to execute the job, you could wind up in over your head. There are a few things that dont belong on a resume for work. Attempt to bring the duties that the specific job is searching for. A Secret Weapon for Writing a Resume for a Banking Job Plus You may have seen the critical achievements subsection right under the work description. Because anyone can find with a similar looking list. How to compose an English resume A detailed guide. With regard to financial transactions and management, banks play a critical function. If youre really keen to earn a career in the banking business, you may apply in various banks and financial organizations. Industrial Banking Resume Templates Commercial banks supply an array of banking positions. Youve got to remember to make it appear professional. In listing your educational competencies, you should begin with the latest ones. Other essential areas in your work experience will likewise be explored to highlight your credentials and make a stand-out resume. While banking is obviously considerably more than simply working with numbers, resume-writing may notlage be your subject of expertise. Banking jobs have changed over recent years. Expand Recruiter List as soon as you have distributed your resume, you will obtain the comprehensive collection of organizations that have received your resume. Its hard for employers to evaluate the work history of job applicants. Youre going to compose a resume for one of the most competitive jobs on earth. Rumors, Deception and Writing a Resume for a Banking Job There are an assortment of banking positions provided by retail bankers like bank teller positions, cashier, branch managers, and a lot more. Particularly for teller resumes, its wise to provide some dollar figures to show that you are able to be trusted with accurately balancing large sums money. Particularly if youre writing an accredited personal banker resume. If youre asking for an entry-level job in a financial institution, you are going to have to show that you really, really want it. Writing a Resume for a Banking Job - the Conspiracy Writing a resume is the very first step towards for starting with your work search. Possessing the suitable essential words in your CV will create a difference. Professional resumes have a tendency to use a more conventional format, but writers are permitted to insert some creativity. What You Dont Know About Writing a Resume for a Banking Job Its expectedof you to get the required set of skills. It is very important to include things like the words that describe your present skills. If youre making a change then you have to say why in your intr o profile even if just 1 line to explain. There are a lot of hard skills for banking, and you want to list not just the ones which youve mastered, but each one of the keywords about the particular role youre applying for that guy or machine may be on the lookout for.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The United States Marine Corps Chain of Command

The United States seestreitmacht studentencorps Chain of CommandThe United States seestreitmacht Corps Chain of CommandThe seestreitkraft Corps is organized as a force in readiness to support national defense or humanitarian needs all over the world. Deploying for combat as a combined-arms Marine Air/Ground Task Force (MAGTF), the Marine Corps provides the National Command Authority with a military force with a multitude of operational options. The USMC Mission The primary mission of the Marine Corps is to provide Fleet Marine Forces of combined arms together with supporting air components, for service with the fleet. The USMC is organized as a rule of three. The Marine Corps minimum peacetime structure shall consist of not less than three combat divisions and three aircraft wings, and land combat, aviation, and other services as needed. The Marine Corps maintains a fourth Marine division and aircraft wing in reserve. The rule of three is passed down the chain of command as well. Basically, each Marine has three things to worry about. Three men to a fire team commanded by a Corporal (so there are actually a total of four on the team when you count the team leader). Three fire teams to a rifle squad commanded by a sergeant. Three rifle squads to a platoon commanded by a Lt. Three rifle platoons to a company commanded by a Capt. Three companies to a battalion commanded by a Lt Colonel and so on as listed below Team Four individual Marines assigned to a specific team (Three team members, plus the team leader).Squad Three Teams are assigned to a specific squad.Platoon Three squads are usually assigned to a specific platoon.Company (or Battery) Three platoons are assigned to a Company (sometimes called a battery). The Company/battery is the lowest level of command with a headquarters element (for example, a Company Commander, or Company First Sergeant).Battalion Three companies/batteries are assigned to form a battery a battalion. Regiment Three battalions form a Regiment (Sometimes called a Brigade).Division Three Brigades are assigned to make up a Division.Marine Corps Three or more divisions make up the Marine Corps. MEU In addition to the above, there are also MEUs (Marine Expeditionary Unit). With a strength of about 2,200 personnel, the MEU is normally built around a reinforced battalion, a composite aircraft squadron, and by a MEU Service Support group. Commanded by a colonel, the MEU is employed to fulfill routine forward deployments with fleets in the Mediterranean, the Western Pacific, and periodically, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The MEU is deployed on up to four Naval amphibious ships. The ground combat element (GCE) is the battalion landing team (BLT), an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, amphibious assault vehicles, light armored reconnaissance assets and other units as the mission and circumstances require. The aviation combat element (ACE) is a Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron augmented with four types of helicopters into a composite squadron. ansicht units include CH-53E Super Stallions, CH-46E Sea Knights, UH-1N Hueys, and AH-1W Super Cobras. Ace assets may also include the fixed-wing aircraft such as the AV-8B Harrier jet. The combat service support element is the MEU Service Support Group (MSSG) formed primarily from force service support groups assets. The MSSG contains all the logistics specialists necessary to keep the GCE, ACE and organic equipment functioning. Included within the MSSG are medical, dental, maintenance, engineering, and other technical experts. The command element (CE) provides command and control of the other three elements. In addition to the MEU commander and his supporting staff, the CE includes specialized detachments providing a direct action capability, naval gunfire liaison capability, reconnaissance, and surveillance and specialized communications and electronics warfare capabilities. Marine Aviation The Marines structure their aviation comma nds a little differently. The structure for aviation commands are Squadron (applied to flying non-flying units). In aircraft squadrons, the number of aircraft varies from 4 - 24, depending on the type of squadron. Non-flying squadrons include Marine Aviation Logistics Sqns (supply), Marine Wing Support Sqns (construction), Marine Air Control Sqns (air defense), Marine Air Support Sqns (Airfield control), Marine Tactical Air Command Sqns, Marine Wing Communications Sqns, Marine Wing Headquarters Sqns (Admin).Group (3 or more squadrons) Includes Marine Aircraft Group (MAG), Marine Wing Support Group (MWSG), Marine Air Control Group (MACG). The MAGs are usually all helo or all fixed-wing (MAG-36 in Okinawa has a KC-130 sqn attached) Wing 3 Groups. 2 or more MAGs MWSG, MACG. The Actual Chain of Command There are two parallel chains of command within the Marine Corps Service and Operational. The Service Chain of Command is used for things that are specifically inherent to the Marin e Corps. The top portion of the service chain is listed below Service Chain of Command President / Secretary of Defense / Secretary of the Navy / Commandant of the Marine Corps The Operational Chain of Command is used to direct forces in conjunction with operational or functional missions. Often times this involves other services outside the Marine Corps. The Operational Chain of command break down is listed below Operational Chain of Command President - Secretary of Defense - Commanders of Combatant commands Four Major Commands of the USMC The Marine Corps is divided into four broad categories and overseen by Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC). HQMC consists of the Commandant of the Marine Corps and his command staff agencies that assist him in the operational and administrative capabilities. The Commandant is directly responsible to the Secretary of the Navy for the following subordinate commands within the USMC. U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command (MARFORCOM) commands all Ma rines in CONUS as well as in charge of all Marine forces in the Southern and European theater (MARFORSOUTH and MARFOREUR) located in Norfolk Va. U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC) Commands all Marine Corps operational and shore-based commands in the Pacific theater located in Hawaii. The United States Marine Corps Reserve (MARFORRES) is responsible for providing trained units in a reserve status that can be activated in time of war, national emergency, contingency operations and relieve active duty Marines in high op hurtigkeit situations / long deployment cycles. The Marine Corps supporting establishments consists of Marine Corps Recruiting Command - Marine Corps Combat Development Command - Marine Corps Systems Command - Training activities and formal schools.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Careers Taste Tester

Careers Taste TesterCareers Taste TesterWhen that inevitable conversation popped up as a child between yourself and your teacher, parent, mentor or other leadership figures, focused on what you wanted to be when you grew up, most kids probably had one of several traditional answers on the ready. Doctor, lawyer, astronaut, even zookeeper, were all viable potential careers sure to make your parent brim with happiness over your working ambitions. If you were a born foodie, however, perhaps you had a different and less traditional career in mind taste tester.Pretty much any company in the business of producing food or beverages is in need of a professional taste tester on staff. Tasters ensure quality control in large batches of products and are generally responsible for judging the yumminess factor of items exiting the facilities. As far as job satisfaction goes, who wouldnt want to spend their days sampling gourmet ice creams, sipping on sudsy sodas or imbibing in adult beverages. With the perks of a highly enviable job, however, comes a great deal of needed expertise, not to mention an above average palette. Youll most likely end up putting in a good deal of time tempering your taste buds and working out your sense of smell. In addition, you will also need to be highly detailed as a good portion of your position will require thorough notes and an excellent ability to communicate verbally and writing all of your sensory experiences. If the prospect of this extracurricular study doesnt dissuade you, read on to find out just what it takes to launch your career as a taste tester.Top Qualifications of a Taste TesterFood Service ExperienceFood Science DegreeStrong Sensory AbilitiesFlexible ScheduleDetail-OrientedOutgoing PersonalityWhile there isnt any one specific career or education track to take on the road to becoming a food tester, there are certain backgrounds that could pave the way to success and help make scoring your first gig in the field all the easier. Pr ior experience as a waiter, cook, chef or another food service professional will give you the heads up you need to understand the lingo and operations of the food industry in general. Youll also benefit from knowledge about how food is prepared including different cooking techniques. If youre truly gung-ho, a degree in biology, food preparation or food science will flush out your academic skills and give you critical expertise in the science behind taste, smell and food in general. Combine these educational traits with plenty of experience and certifications in food and beverage in general and youll be well on your way to landing your first taste tester position.Plenty of On-the-Job TrainingWhile a degree may come in handy, making a career out of being a taste tester doesnt necessarily need any extra in the education department. Most employers will offer plenty in the way of on the job training. Sure, depending on the company and exact needs, certain positions may require scientific training, but the most critical komponente of any taste tester is exceptional sensory capabilities. If you fit the bill, employers will often offer (lengthy) on the job training to help get them up to speed. Did we mention some employers value taste testers so much that they actually insure their taste buds?A Career With FlexibilityAnother perk of entering the world of taste testing as a career is the flexibility in job hours. In some companies, taste testing can be a full-time position. Such is the case with Kristen Wemer, a professional taste tester who began working during college in a part-time gig and ended up full time, tasting a wide range of products for quality control. Kristen may have made a career out of the food-inspired profession, but others can make a side job out of taste testing new products as part of consumer review panels. Certain consumer research companies specialize in this line of work, while others are generalized and have opportunities that only pop up fr om time to time. If closing your eyes and jumping into the culinary unknown sounds like a good time to you, do your research beforehand to find the job thats the right fit for you.Taste Tester SalariesTaste tester jobs arent exactly numerous. These coveted positions tend to be snapped up and turnover is incredibly limited given the specialized skill required. While you may want to put taste tester as an official title on your future resume, sadly most of these positions fall under the more mundane heading of Quality Assurance Tester or a similar moniker. If the nachrichtensendung has you down, the median salary for this position of just north of $33 /hr should have you feeling a bit perkier regarding your prospects. It may not be the teaching or nursing career your parents probably imagined for you, but between the sensory perks and solid compensation rate, a career as a taste tester is nothing to turn your nose up at. It just goes to show that for every passion there is a correspon ding career. If your love is food and beverage, a job as a taste tester may be just the thing for you.