Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Best Companies for Women Seeking Executive Positions

Best Companies for Women Seeking Executive Positions You are a woman seeking out the best companies to pursue an executive position.But you have a problem. You are aware that there are still forms of institutionalized gender bias in the workplace.It could be a company’s culture. It could be that they still ask for salary history during an interview and base their offer off of previous, unfair, and gender-biased wages.You need to find a company willing to invest in the future of achieving gender equality in the workplace.Read the recently posted list of Top 1000 Companies Worldwide for Millennial Women in 2018, presented by Mogul, the women-only tech platform that enables women worldwide to openly share knowledge with each other. Century-Old Global Companies Investing in Gender EqualityCompanies like Philips (1891), Mars (1915), and Kraft Heinz (Kraft 1903 Heinz 1869) were founded during times when women did not even have the right to vote in the USA!Statistically, the only time companies saw an influx of women into the workplace was during and after a major war that required men to leave jobs. Even still, women were never given leadership positions.These same companies that existed during major wars, the Suffrage Movement, the Civil Rights Era, and the 1970’s Equal Rights Amendment movement, are now investing in the future:PHILIPS“At Philips, we strongly believe that diversity is a requirement to remain a high performing organization. We are stepping up to improve our inclusiveness to leverage the full potential of our employees whilst better serving our increasingly diverse customer base. We are taking intentional actions to empower the career growth of women and increase diversity in leadership positions. As such, we are proud to be named on Mogul’s 2018 diversity award list in recognition of our progress.” - Ronald de Jong, Chief HR Officer, Royal Philips“One of the greatest opportunities we have to future-proof the success of Philips is to harness the diverse nature of talent that exists within t he Millennial generation. We have started to see grassroots movements in the company, whereby groups of energetic millennials are stepping up and leading innovative and scalable change. We are honored to support and fuel their passion for making a positive difference in the world.” - Cynthia Burkhardt, Global Head of Talent Acquisition, Royal PhilipsMARS“At Mars, every one of us is unique and every one of us matters.” - Michelle Thomas, Global DI Director“We believe that inclusion unlocks diversity. When Associates feel included, they want to stay and grow with us. Some companies count people. We are very intentional about making people count.” - Michelle Thomas, Global DI Director“Everyone in the organization is a leader. From the bottom to the top, it’s everyone’s responsibility to create inclusion. Inclusion is a way of being, and how you show up every day.” -Michelle Thomas, Global DI DirectorKRAFT“At Kraft Heinz, we believe that our culture of Ownership Mer itocracy helps us attract a diverse talent base. Diversity in our workforce creates an inclusive work environment and allow us to lean into Our Vision: To be the Best Food Company, Growing a Better World.”Given these companies are now global brands in a global company, the opportunities for women seeking executive positions is looking better than ever.At the current time, only 11% of women hold the highest paying jobs in corporate America. However, US companies and others worldwide in this Top 1000 list are looking to simultaneously create cultures that support the development of female talent.Resources will be provided so that women who want to become the executives of tomorrow will be afforded the same opportunities as men!

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